Friday, January 31, 2014

Passionate and want to get involved?

Sometimes we have lots of passion but not the time, energy, or wherewithal to start our own campaigns to save the rainforest, fight poverty, or affect immigration reform.  I know...there are lots of things we each want to work on.  Whatever your goals are, there are quick and easy ways to get involved and NOT be the leader of the band (it's a tough job, so you can let other people do it sometimes)!

A great organization that can give you updates on worthwhile campaigns and how to help with a quick email, e-signature, or phonecall is SumofUs.  They have over 2 million members around the globe interested in making positive changes in the world in their own way.  You don't have to champion every cause, you can choose the ones (if any) that speak to you!  I signed up for emails so they let me know when there's big news or ways to help out.  Check them out, and get involved in something (without "getting involved").  This is an actual "no fee, no obligation" investment of as little or as much time and energy as you choose that will actually make a difference in your life and the lives of others.

Happy involvement to you!!

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